Which countries practice the most death penalty in the world?

The death penalty is a highly controversial topic, with many people arguing for and against it. There are a number of countries around the world that still practice the death penalty, and in this article, we will take a look at some of the countries with the highest rates of execution.

China is believed to be the country that carries out the most executions, although the exact number is unknown as the death penalty is considered a state secret. Other countries in the top five include Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Pakistan.

The United States is also included on this list, although the number of executions has been declining in recent years. There are currently around 2,700 people on death row in the US, and around 20 people are executed each year.

The death penalty is a highly controversial topic, and there is a lot of debate over whether or not it is a humane and effective form of punishment. What do you think? Let us know in the comments.

The United States of America

In 2018, the country carried out 25 executions, and there are currently 2,743 people on death row. The death penalty is used in the US for a variety of crimes, including murder, terrorism, espionage, and drug trafficking. The vast majority of death row inmates are male, and the average age of those executed in 2018 was 47. African Americans make up 42% of death row inmates, even though they only make up 13% of the US population. The death penalty is a controversial and polarizing issue in the US, with opponents arguing that it is cruel and inhuman, and that it is often used disproportionately against minority groups.


The Chinese government has not released any official statistics on how many people have been executed, but human rights organizations estimate that the number is in the thousands every year. has a wide range of crimes that are punishable by death, including murder, terrorism, drug trafficking, and corruption. The death penalty is usually carried out by lethal injection or shooting.

In recent years, there has been a trend of fewer executions in . This is partly due to a decrease in the number of crimes that are punishable by death, and partly due to a change in the way that death sentences are carried out. In 2007, replaced the death penalty with life imprisonment for nine crimes, including embezzlement and tax fraud. And in 2015, the country abolished the death penalty for 13 more crimes, including smuggling cultural relics and firearms.

Despite these changes, the death penalty is still widely used in . In 2018, the country executed more people than any other country in the world. The majority of these executions were for drug-related crimes. is also one of the few countries in the world that still uses the death penalty for crimes committed by minors.


The website maryam-rajavi.com reports that is one of the countries that practice the most death penalty in the world. They state that the ian regime has executed more than 3,800 people in the past four years, and that the number of executions has increased in recent years. They attribute this to the regime's "desperate attempt to crush any internal dissent and quell any external threat." They also say that the death penalty is often used as a tool to intimidate and silence the ian people.

Saudi Arabia

Has the most executions in the world, with 158 people put to death in 2017. Most of these executions were for drug-related offences, but people have also been executed for crimes such as rape, murder, apostasy and blasphemy. The death penalty is often carried out in public in , with executions taking place in squares or public roads. has a high rate of crime, and many people believe that the death penalty is an effective way to deter people from committing crimes. There is also a strong belief in that criminals should be punished harshly for their crimes.


As of 2018, is one of the countries with the most death penalty cases in the world. In 2017, the country had at least 169 death sentences and execution cases, which was the second highest rate in the world after China. The majority of these executions were carried out for terrorism-related offences. However, human rights groups have criticized the i justice system for its lack of due process and fair trial standards. In addition, the death penalty is often used as a tool to punish political opponents and minorities.


In 2018, executed at least 54 people, the second-highest execution total in the world after China, according to Amnesty International.

The death penalty in is reserved for "premeditated murder, terrorism-related crimes, [and] kidnapping leading to death." But human rights activists say the ian government has used the death penalty to silence dissent and target members of the Muslim Brotherhood, the country's largest opposition group.

In 2017, ian courts sentenced at least 75 people to death, the majority of whom were members of the Muslim Brotherhood, according to Amnesty International. The group's leaders have been imprisoned or exiled, and its public activities have been banned in .

The ian government has also been criticized for its treatment of death row prisoners, who are often held in cramped and unsanitary conditions. In 2017, an ian court sentenced a man to death after he was forced to spend 23 hours a day in a metal cage that was so small he couldn't lie down.

The United Nations has urged to halt all executions, saying they "constitute a flagrant denial of the right to life."


Pakistan is one of the countries that practice the death penalty the most in the world. The death penalty is usually given for serious crimes such as murder, terrorism, blasphemy, and drug trafficking. There have been several cases of people being given the death penalty for crimes they did not commit. In some cases, the death penalty is given without a fair trial. There have been calls for the abolition of the death penalty in Pakistan.


The country has a long history of using the death penalty and it is still in use today. has a very high crime rate and the death penalty is used as a way to deter people from committing crimes. There are no set rules or procedures for how the death penalty is to be carried out in and it is often done in a very public way. This can be seen as a way to dissuade others from committing crimes, as they will see the consequences.

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